Monday, March 3, 2025

March 3, 2025

 So sorry about the silence. I am trying to think of an excuse, but just time eluded me throughout February! Thats about all I can come up with!! Lets get started! Here are a few miscellaneous cards. Not sure where this Happy 'coverplate' is from, the butterflys are Gina k.

Next two are Unity 'ity bittys' 

 Not sure about the next stamp set. But they are pretty funny

This is the Wendy Vecchi cake. It is really cute as opposed to the picture?)  
Maybe the next one is clearer. I wanted to make more!

                      The balloons are a layered stencil & the birthday card is a 'cake' card front from Creative Expressions.  Just a few extras for today. Tomorrow I will add some 'collections' that are newer.           

                                        Thanks for looking!

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