Thursday, October 3, 2024

Thursday October 3rd

 Had a nice nice last weekend, so let me share a couple 'personal' pictures before we get to the card ideas! I had a bucket list & one of those things was to take Lucy Lou to the beach. Yep, big time doggie mom. Lucy was Lucy, which was growly to the other to family dogs. They didn't care, they were awesome doggies! I think Lucy had fun, but Moose and Bo had more fun!

 Lucy is top pic, and that is Moose & Bo in the next one. They just kept on chasing and running and having a blast. The only thing was that Al kept Lucy on a leash most of the time.

                        Heather and Bo and Doug and doggies below


                                               Doug and Zack and Lucy Lou

 Moose had this soft frisbee and Heather buried it and he would find it and dig it up! Check out that little face..... Soooo Cute!!

                                   Poor Lucy Lou

Noah & Zach below

 Further up to see the sea lions.
Saw this little baby first.

Yes, these are sea lions. The great debate over whether they were kelp or really sea lions. Have to admit most of the 'sea lion' pictures were really debris!
              And this is where my camera battery died. It was a great weekend with Doug, Heather, Zach & Noah. We did the air B&B which was okay. Had a nice deck and yard for the dogs. Tried new restaurants... fish & chips one night, Italian the next. Big burgers somewhere in there. Fun. Thanks to Doug & Heather for the thoughtful things they did for their old parents... chairs, access to the water, just in general wonderful people. 

                                   Thanks for looking! 
