Friday, October 11, 2024

Friday Oct 11th

This post will be dedicated to Gracie. Six years ago, we lost this amazing doggie. Kidney failure. It was one of the hardest things to endure. Yesterday we got out several cameras and looked at the older SD discs. It was a walk down memory lane. Most of you know we have always had doggos and yes, I could wallpaper the house with pictures of each and every one of them! Even going back to the days way before digital. 

She is about 5 in either of these pictures
       Gracie is 8 here. Her longest memorial is in late October 2018 in two parts. She was funny and so so fluffy!                  
                 Just don't want to forget any of the others, so for now, I will just mention our Zoeie. She was so laid back and loving. She probably only barked once in her life. Not kidding. Zoeie was with us 16 years. I mentioned to a friend, who had a friend that had found her on Tropicana ave. that if he couldn't find her a home I would take her. He brought her to my store a week later. Yup. 

Don't you love those eyes?
Above is Heidi the tri. We had her almost 17 years & Maxie was with us for 12. They were young here. Below is a pic of Heidi, Maxie & Dusty. Had him about 12 years too. All wonderful!
Okay enough for now!
 Thanks for looking!

Monday, October 7, 2024

Monday, October 7th

 Mailed cards for kids, pardon the pun, but they are 'Cardz for Kidz'.org, and still can't stop making halloween cards! Having so much fun with the Wendy Vecchi cat die. It comes with a pocket die for a greeting or a gift card. There are birthday and Christmas 'add ons'. You will see! 

 I cut extra 'cats faces', so look for the birthday themed kitty! Now
while I am on the Halloween theme, I'll share a couple more cards.
            Tim Holtz stamp set. An old graveyard.... not sure.


              Waffle flower ghost dies. Goes with their stencil background which I haven't used yet. The 'too cute to spook' is a Honeybee stamp die.


                                                 Thanks for looking this morning!
                     Say a prayer for those in the flood & hurricane zones. 


Thursday, October 3, 2024

Thursday October 3rd

 Had a nice nice last weekend, so let me share a couple 'personal' pictures before we get to the card ideas! I had a bucket list & one of those things was to take Lucy Lou to the beach. Yep, big time doggie mom. Lucy was Lucy, which was growly to the other to family dogs. They didn't care, they were awesome doggies! I think Lucy had fun, but Moose and Bo had more fun!

 Lucy is top pic, and that is Moose & Bo in the next one. They just kept on chasing and running and having a blast. The only thing was that Al kept Lucy on a leash most of the time.

                        Heather and Bo and Doug and doggies below


                                               Doug and Zack and Lucy Lou

 Moose had this soft frisbee and Heather buried it and he would find it and dig it up! Check out that little face..... Soooo Cute!!

                                   Poor Lucy Lou

Noah & Zach below

 Further up to see the sea lions.
Saw this little baby first.

Yes, these are sea lions. The great debate over whether they were kelp or really sea lions. Have to admit most of the 'sea lion' pictures were really debris!
              And this is where my camera battery died. It was a great weekend with Doug, Heather, Zach & Noah. We did the air B&B which was okay. Had a nice deck and yard for the dogs. Tried new restaurants... fish & chips one night, Italian the next. Big burgers somewhere in there. Fun. Thanks to Doug & Heather for the thoughtful things they did for their old parents... chairs, access to the water, just in general wonderful people. 

                                   Thanks for looking! 





Friday, September 20, 2024

Friday Sept. 20th

 Another birthday! Al is catching up. Well not really, he will always be younger. Maybe we will have Panda for dinner. We've been here a year and a half and this is the first time. Still, indigestion time probably! That is our big birthday splurge. Ha. 

So I do have some cards to share. This time I am going to share ones that I did last week. I usually wait so long to share, I forget what I did! Here we go....Waffle Flower stamps, dies, stencils and some extras! 

 Looks like the blue background. The ink is mostly oxides with a couple Pink Fresh dye inks added. 
Starting with the blue, fuschia mushrooms. Oh, needs some more post.

                          I like these bright colors best.


 And what would life be without some shaker cards!

                        This is a bunch of random stamps from more than one set, stamped in black on orange paper. The 'frame' in lime green is a separate outline die from Waffle flower. 

                I barely could stop, so I know there will be more!!

                                 Thanks for looking!