Friday, February 11, 2022

February 11th

 More gilding polish... love this stuff! Although I had Golden glazes in the store a long time ago, and since they are a 'glaze' they don't dry out. Some of my unused polishes were bad. I think the difference in the paste (metallic paste particularly), is that it is much brighter in color than the glaze. I used the gold, and it is more subtle than the polish, and I used the hunter green. Some polish is on the wall, but the real 'polish' was used on the lantern and the candle base.

                        Don't  you love the 'brick' wall 3-D folder.
One more with the brushed oxide background. No brick wall, but of course the lanterns are made with the gilding polish  in various colors on black paper. Darker lantern, just different combinations of the polish.

Hope you enjoy! Stay tuned for more company & crafty stuff!!
Thanks for looking!

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