Friday, April 17, 2020

April 18th

Oh oh, Our little terror is 18 months old today! Lucy Lou is still a pyscho dog. She growls when you bug her when she is trying to sleep, and you try to move her or when you try to take something from her.  Just promise her a cheezit and she will be fine. She is a barky, crazy, (did I just say that again), dog. But here is the thing..... we love her! She makes us laugh and that is priceless! Guess we will keep her..... She owns that couch and pillow.

If I can show you some really cool cards. Wish I could say they were my idea, but they are from Laura Bassen. These are my creations, but I will add her link here and she tells you how  to make them.

Thanks for looking!!

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