Sunday, October 28, 2018

Sunday, October 28th

Nothing has changed. I still miss Gracie like it was yesterday. Have been trying to put her little life in some kind of order, but today I am determined to finish this so I can share some cards!

This is July of 2018. She was diagnosed with kidney failure in Oct. 2017. She acted fine for the next 9 months, so I blame myself for not following up. She just quit eating in July. Then she would rally and we would think, I am not sure what?. The vet was clear, she was dying. I applaud his honestly, but honestly he, they, all of them there should have tried to make her life more bearable. She was miserable, at least from some time in August to Oct. The next picture is
about 2013. Gracie loved her 'jewelry'.  That included the tote bag behind the door in the computer room which she checked every morning. Sniff. Anything the groomer put on her, her leash, her old collar & one lone tennis ball.

These are 2014. Someone referred to the  look below as 'muffin mouth' yup she had one when she expected the ball or a treat!

Loved her yard. Al put the grass in just for her! 2017
Love this picture 2016
Both the top & bottom pictures are August this year. She liked to be with us Al mostly.  She had lost a lot of weight by Aug.  Just super furry!
October 5th 2018.  Sweet Gracie.

Thanks for looking.

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