Monday, November 16, 2015

Our month of November is halfway over for 2015. Wow! I try to post, but I keep on surfing, so I don't get as much done as I should. Love Pinterest, Google and all the wonderful artists I visit for inspiration. Since this is the month of Thanksgiving, "I thank you beautiful artists, bloggers and crafters now!! "
I still am making cards for the nursing home. Just a little over 100 now. Usually we try to do 150 & several years we have done 250. Kind of depends on how many patients are in residence. I know I could do more that one home a year. But then I do cards for a church ministry. And I have ideas for kids in hospitals. Just need to work that out.  Here are the last 7. I used the same paper as I managed to buy it two different times! Ever do that?? I could do ALL the cards with this paper I think. It is called North Country. So the 'deer family' is memory box. The tree did is Joy crafts, and the verse is from Kaiser Crafts.
Thanks for looking!

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