Monday, August 25, 2014

It is the month for the Hatch Chilies.  We bought our first 25 pound box. That seemed pretty intimidating. We bought them at Smiths and had them roasted free. After they were roasted there was a lot less. We actually got 19 quart bags of 6 chilies each. They went in the freezer on one shelf. Easy.
The guy at Smiths was really nice, he fired up the flame so I could get my best pictures!
We made yummy cornbread last week and yesterday we made the Hatchtastic Cheesey pork tenderloin. There are several steps, first the marinade, then the filling, and then the puree. Believe me the puree makes it! I could eat that on any tortilla! Here is the link for the recipe..
I am not sure about the link I posted, so here is my pinterest link.      

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